Join us in the Northlab workshop for our 3D Printing Demo. It's about more than just printing, its about collaboration, collisions, and fun! Guided by our resident maker Rick Robot, talk to other like minded 3D printers about their projects, learn more about the products on the market and CREATE! RSVP to make sure you're part of the fun.
For more information email:
Click the button below to get your free ticket
Makerspace North Open House event Exhibition
Date: 2016-08-27
Time: 11:00AM- 4:00PM
Place: Makerspace North, 250 City Centre Avenue Ottawa, ON, K1R 1C7 Canada
About the instructor: Dr. Chi is the most innovative 3D printing technology developer in Greater Ottawa Area, who was inventor of 4 US granted patents in field of semiconductor/photonics material and devices, Optical network devices and system, 3D imaging technologies.
Dr. Chi currently driving a most cost effective way of putting the enabler technology of 3D printing to empower creative and innovative minds in Greater Ottawa Area to encourage innovation in the region.
Why: To empower creative and innovative minds in Greater Ottawa Area to encourage innovation in the region of Ottawa.
Who (targeted user): Highly motivated persons or organization who has seen the great value of able to leverage the 3D printing technology to unlock the creativities and innovation power of minds.
When: Feb 27/28 (Preliminary schedule: Feb 27 9:00-16:00, Feb 28 10:00-14:00)
Where: To be determined in Ottawa Area (Preliminary possible place: (A) Maker Space North (B) Ottawa Public Library (C) Ottawa University)
Limitation: 10 spots only, first come first served.
What is in it for you: You will be provided with MasterRap i4 DIY kit on the workshop date. You will be guided with face-to-face instruction so that you can complete and build a top performance 3D printer that allow you full possibility of controls, to leverage rich resource of 3D printing technology, equipped with high speed printing, and down to less than10 micron layer height capability of hardware. At the end of the 2 days workshop you will walk away with the ability of make your own things that have locked in your mind for long to become a reality. It enable you to print big and complicated things that could take whold day or longer to finish without been limited by shared 3D printer that only allow for limited time of printing at a time. No matter is it is a invention of machine, a art work creation, or using as a tool of fix all things alround you, or become a door knocking skill for your next better job oppertunities, or create your business oppertunities, it is the infinite possibliity at your disposal and only limited by your mind. The value of the MasterRap 3D printer is known for better technical capacity that outperforms other well known big brand of 3D printers that cost well over $2000 USD ($2800CAD)-$4000 USD range.
You will enjoy the benefit of having ability to take apart the printer and put it back again without fear and easy, accesible for qucik maintenance and change of filament can be done in as short as 10 seconds, since you build it and you know well your printer.
Also you have the local support direct from the designer of the system if necessary.
Workshop Option:
W1) Workshop with MasterRap i4 kit USD$599 (You need a 12V, at least 13A Power supply)
W2) Workshop with MasterRap i4 kit+ 150 Watt Power Supply bundle USD$649
Consumable Bundle option
C1) PLA filament 1kg+Magic PLA solution for print bed 3oz (100ml) +USD$40
Optional Advanced Training Support Upgrade Bundle*
T1) 4 Hours Advanced Training +USD $180 (CAD$ 250)
T2) 8 hours Advanced Training +USD $360 (CAD$ 500)
* The Advanced Training is for user knowledge and skills training to any topic that user wants to lean for advanced subjects such as maintenance, fixing printer issue, advance 3D printing troubleshooting, or problem fix. It can be used within 1 year. Without purchase the discounted Advanced Training Support Upgrade Bundle with Workshop, user can still request assistance support at cost of CAD$100 per hours.
Early bird Bonus: For early bird registration in January 2016, Additional 1kg filament ($50 CAD value) will be rewarded as free gift.
We will see you there!
November 7 & 8, 2015 • Aberdeen Pavilion
November 7 & 8 2015 from 10am to 5pm. Visit Maker City at Lansdowne Park inside Aberdeen Pavilion on Exhibition Way. Details and updates on the faire location please visit the site
2015-10-24 Buid you own MasterRap i4 3D printer
3D printer DIY workshop limited 10 spots for highly motivated persons. We will provide you with MasterRap i4 DIY kit on or before the workshop date. We will give face-to-face instruction in Ottawa Centrepointe Public Library meeting room 1B. So that you will have a working 3D printer that is build by youself to take home at the end of the day. The goal is to help you own a high performance 3D printer to unlock your creativities.
Purchase this MasterRap DIY kit You will get: (a) MasterRap DIY kit (b) Bonus of 1Kg of filament to start (c) walk you throuhg the construction of your DIY printer during the Workshop event
2015-10-01 University of Toront Robotics Show Case Event, Hosted by You're Next Career Network
Hello, the engineering talents at U of Toronto We will see you there.
2015-08-22 MakerSpace Nothe Opern house. We got a overhaming visitior vist us express high interst in what we are developeing.
2015-06-08 Ottawa City Hall Expo, hosted by City of Ottawa and YMCA-YWCA
We met may supportive people there. Thanks for the visit and help us keep going